Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tasting: Jesus Diaz Blanco Vinos de Madrid

Name:  Jesus Diaz Blanco Vinos de Madrid
Variety: 100% Malvar
Region: Vinos de Madrid
Country: Spain
Year: 2012
Price: $8.95 (On sale from $15)
Shop review: "Vinos de Madrid is a region of Spain not often encountered in the US, while Malvar is considered a regional specialty but remains unknown outside of central Spain. Zesty acidity and tropical fruit make this obscure buy a great food wine." -Vintage Cellar, 2014
My review: Jesus Diaz Blanco Vinos de Madrid poured a beautiful white/golden color. Flowers, mango, hints of pineapple, and tropical notes filled my nose. This wine smells like summertime and I loved it.  Jesus Diaz tasted like liquid rose petals. Its soft sweetness was not overwhelming and finished smooth.  I was so completely enamored by its lively aroma and gentle taste on the tongue that I had to buy a bottle to take home!  Recommended for other wine-goers who enjoy tropical notes in their white wine.  Awesome for a sunset picnic on the beach. 
Food: I did not pair this wine with food.

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